Three inexpensive steps to de-clutter your home for buyers
When it comes to putting a home on the market, are you ready to put your best foot forward? Many homeowners think they have to spend a fortune to make their properties more inviting to home buyers. Not true! In fact, two of the most important things you can do before you list your home don’t cost much at all.
The No. 1 pre-selling task? De-cluttering. Getting rid of the clutter is so important because home buyers are turned off by it. Broken toys, piles of magazines, books and mail, lots of knick-knacks and crowded countertops — they all detract from the ability of a buyer to envision themselves in your home. And don’t neglect the areas behind closed doors! Go through your closets and shelves. Home buyers look in there. This is a great time to haul out the dumpster and get a load ready to donate to a worthy cause. But if you can’t bear to part with all your stuff, renting a storage unit can be a great way to go.
After you’ve de-cluttered, it’s time for a big cleaning. That means baseboards, walls, the inside of your refrigerator and especially your bathrooms. Steam clean the carpets. Clean and polish wood furniture. Make sure to have your windows cleaned. Home buyers form opinions about dirty homes, windows included, and it isn’t a good one.
Don’t forget to clean the outside of your home. When was the last time you cleaned your front door? If you aren’t raking up leaves and keeping your yard clean and tidy, prospective home buyers may wonder whether you are keeping up with routine maintenance and repair of your property. You’ll want to make sure your entryway is clear and creates a warm, inviting feel for prospective buyers.