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Flu season is in full swing


Flu season is in full swing

Concept image of a Calendar with a blue push pin. Closeup shot oChances are, you know someone who has the flu right now. The 2019-2020 flu season is definitely here! Flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter months, with flu activity typically peaking between December and February. The flu vaccine isn’t just for children and the elderly. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control says everyone should think about getting one this year.

Call your health care provider to see if getting a flu shot is right for you. Getting the shot is the best way to prevent the spread of the flu, according to the CDC. Some people are considered to be at high risk for serious complications from the flu and should consider getting the shot as soon as possible. This includes pregnant women, children between 6 months and 4 years old, and people over the age of 50. Also, if you live with someone who is in a high-risk category, it is recommended by the CDC that you get the flu shot, too.

While most people who get the flu recover after plenty of rest and liquids, influenza can be deadly. While the flu shot doesn’t provide total protection against getting the flu, most physicians believe it’s the best way to protect yourself and your family against influenza and any possible complications.

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine or the 2019-20 flu season, contact your local health department or physician’s office. Most health care facilities offer the flu vaccine, along with most major pharmacy chains and grocery stores. Through the holidays, many community organizations are likely to offer flu shot clinics as well.

If you do get the flu this fall or winter, be sure to check in with your doctor, drink plenty of liquids and wash your hands often.

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